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home about outings photography

kew march 30

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Naomi and I visited on Saturday so there were no restrictions on the trains



Erythronium howellii

Princess of Wales Conservatory

Nymphaea Kew's Stowaway Blues

Jade Vine

pollinated by bats and moths

Brownea grandiceps

Brownea grandiceps is a species of tree in the family Fabaceae. (pea family)   Its common names include the rose of Venezuela and the scarlet flame bean. It originated in South America but is now widely grown as a decorative tree in tropical gardens.

Monkey tail cactus


Amorphophallus titanum in leaf

Masdevallia amabilis

Dendrobium densiflorum


Rhynacattleanthe 'Radiant Starlet'

Angaecum sesquipedale

Possibly a Brassia

Cymbidium 'Princess Charlotte'

Alpine House

Leucocoryne macropetala

Skunk cabbage

Iris pontica on the rock garden

Scented narcissi in front of the Palm House

Prunus 'Amayadori'


Temperate House 

Iris japonica


Leaf patterns

Cyathea medullaris


Fritillaria imperialis in the herbaceous borders

We had a good lunch on a table outside the Orangery

Iris graeberiana

A wonderful day

Unusual light on the Palm House

We were too tired to get to the Sion outlook, but had a glimpse of the Children's play area though we had a problem getting out again.   We had to wait for the Overground at Kew Gardens, but took the fast train at West Hampstead.   I mucked up the arrangements for our lift home, but at least I used the dumb phone for the first time.